Chochinobake is a type of Tsukumogami, which are objects that become animate once they reach their 100th year of existence. They are created from chochin lanterns made of bamboo, paper, or silk. They are sometimes believed to possess a single eye and a long protruding tongue.
Insect house and bee colony on the grounds of the Potager du Roi, where the original gardens date back to the reign of Louis XIV (1678). The King’s gardens were located near his palace in Versailles where he would show off his abundant produce and espaliered fruit-bearing trees. [wallacegardens]
円相 “Enso is the circle of infinity, symbol of simplicity with profundity, emptiness with fullness, the visible and invisible. It sometimes forms a moon, sometimes a rice cake.” ~John Stevens, Sacred Calligraphy of the East, p. 190