Here's something the weeds at Jalopnik are sure to never mention. ladies and gentlemen of the motoring world-I bring you the Milk Float: The king of the lane, the hauler of the highway-or in my local circles-"the curd curb king". Ah the glories of my all to short youth. While my fellow schoolmates would tremble at the thought of the mainline steam engine screaming through the station, or rush to the window of our towns local Triumph agency to drool over the newest racy and shiny models I would spend my glorious gray and dour early mornings chasing the dreamy (and creamy!) milkfloats.

Is there a tear in your eye?, do not be ashamed for there is one in mine as I write this. Let us go into our collective attics and find our milkfloat spotters guides, our notepads filled with our local milkfloat plate numbers and our "childs first book of milk orders".
...One yogurt, one cream, and two large frosty ones of the white stuff- the cookies are on me.

Thanks to Milkfloats.org.uk for the truely great site.
1 comment:
O my, and I spent my years not even knowing about these...
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